Sportworld Launches Innovative, Data-Driven FAST Channels for EURO 2024 Worldwide

Protext | rubrika: Tisková zpráva | 6. 6. 2024

Munich (Germany) June 6th 2024 (PROTEXT/ots) - Introduction of Two Data-Based, Free-to-Air 24/7 Channels: "Insight Zone: EURO 2024" and "Insight Zone: EURO 2024 - Team Germany"


  • Sportworld in EURO Design with all program information, event clips, and statistics, available on Smart TVs and mobile devices


  • Integration of a Global Live Ticker for real-time tracking of all EURO 2024 games, even without access to the live signal


  • Sportworld plans to have 100 of its own FAST channels across various sports in 2024


- Picture is available at AP -

Sportworld, the innovative sports streaming platform, offers fans worldwide a unique EURO 2024 experience with its own channels, an interactive prediction game, the integration of a live ticker, and the aggregation of all program information and highlight clips in one place.


New FAST Channels: Insight Zone: EURO 2024


With the introduction of the new channels "Insight Zone: EURO 2024" and "Insight Zone: EURO 2024 - Team Germany," Sportworld is launching two free-to-air, data-driven 24/7 channels. The content is based on data and statistics from Stats Perform, automated and visualized in real-time, complemented by content such as press conferences and player interviews. They offer extensive pre- and post-game coverage of all EURO games and switch to live mode during games, allowing fans worldwide to experience the games even without access to the live signal.


Live content such as player comparisons, goal analyses, and heat maps make the Insight Zone on your phone or tablet the perfect companion for every fan during live games, whether at home on TV, at public viewing events, or even in the stadium.


Since January, Sportworld has successfully launched 15 Insight Zone channels for major leagues such as the Champions League, Premier League, and Bundesliga. By 2024, Sportworld plans to offer over 100 channels for various sports, providing fans worldwide with a unique and comprehensive content offering.


Sportworld Offers a Comprehensive EURO Experience for Sports Fans


During EURO 2024, Sportworld will appear in the look and feel of the tournament, providing fans with access to game broadcasts. Users can find information on which channels are broadcasting the games in their respective countries, as well as access to current standings, results, and highlights. The mobile app will be equipped with a live ticker that summarizes game events in real-time – a feature that will soon also be available on CTV, keeping fans informed about all live events across sports.

Additionally, sports fans can look forward to an integrated prediction game where users can collect points based on probabilities for their favorite country and win attractive prizes.


The World of Sports in One Place


Sportworld offers access to both free and paid channels, over 10,000 highlight clips, program information from more than 2,850 channels worldwide, and statistics on over 200,000 sports events per year. The Sportworld app is available on Smart TVs (Samsung & LG) and mobile devices with iOS and Android, reaching active users in 205 countries worldwide.


For more information, please visit or contact us at



Stephan Zurawski 

Vice President Marketing & New Business 



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